sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015


A short interview with a colleague in ICT.

What did you learn?
How to start a blog.
How to introduce herself.
How did you learn it?
By watching a video tutorial and looking for information on the web.
By practice among classmates.
Was / is it useful?
Yes, it is.
Yes, a lot.

What was your role? Explain.
I’m a learner teacher and I would like to use the blog to teach others. (tit@ for advanced teachers)
She was learning English through  use of technology. (tit@ for Prymary teachers)

I don't remember when and how I started learning English. But I think I had a natural predestination
 to learn any language. When I was 10 years old I realized I would learn English at Secondary school and I started to ask to an aunt some basic words in English to learn how to write them on. And I was so close!!!

I always got high scores in high school and my classmates said to me I would be an English teacher. I didn't want to, but I must admit the idea sounded interesting to me. After high school I studied a Bilingual Secretary course where I reinforced what I had learned at secondary. And then, the university came and I learned especifically how to write and read.

In my professional experience, I started 8 years ago to teach English for Chemical Technology and all this background have helped me to stay in touch with the language in a technical level, which has been very useful for me and my students. In a personal sense, it has been interesting meeting e-friends having in common this language.

I think we English teachers should encourage people not to be afraid of learning the Anglosaxon language, because there are more advantages in any aspect of life than disadvantages, and even us, make mistakes in pronunciation due to our cultural origins.

My invitation in this moment is to remember how each one of us learned the most exciting thing we know and as teachers, use the same didactics in class!

sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015


Hello everybody!

Welcome to my personal blog. As a result of an EFL Pedagogy Mediated by ICT course, I am asked to create this blog, but it is my first step to an idea which is going around in my mind for some months and I have a strong feeling it will be something big!

Thanks for your support.