domingo, 21 de abril de 2024


By Maia Salazar and Guissepe Tabares 

In Restrepo there is a problem about deforestation some years ago.

This problem is caused by an enterprise that creates things with wood for our daily use. As a consequence, we can notice the animals are being homeless, temperatures increases and there is no oxygen.

As Simon Bolivar High School students, we are worried about this problem, and we would like to create a campaign to plant five trees for each tree cut down and create a news story about deforestation. 


By Sinueth Manuel Garcia Rico

Juan Jose Alvarez Machado

Sharol Sofia Herrera Toro


Neighbors from Pueblo Nuevo in the town of La Cumbre had a big problem with garbage waste on the streets one year ago. This problem is due to poorly educated people, lack of environmental education, the local police who does not control the area, among others.

As a consequence, we can notice conflict between the community, bad smells, and highly spread diseases.

As students at Simon Bolivar High School, we are worried about this problem and we would like to help the neighbors. We want to talk to people about the consequences that garbage in the streets can cause to all of us. 


-Santiago Alejandro Moncada Ríos.

-Juan Andres Garcia Rico.

-Dulce esmeralda Cisnero.


In the town of La Cumbre at Municipal neighborhood a few years ago there was a problem with noisy neighbors.


The consequences of these actions were that the neighbors could not rest at night, they got angry and reported them with the police leading to a bigger problem.


The causes of this situation are because the neighbors went party each night until early hours in the morning of the next day, the other neighbors do not go to the authorities and if they do it, they are not taken them into account.


As  students at Simon Bolivar High School, we are concerned about the problem and we would like to gather to the neighbors through a bingo to talk about the noise situation and not to lead to bigger problems with the authorities.