viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

English Classes Planner for 6th grade

Queridos estudiantes:

Aquí encontrarás la GUÍA DE APRENDIZAJE DE INGLÉS No. 1  para concluir las actividades de primer periodo. La puedes descargar para resolver en tu cuaderno. Fecha límite de entrega: 30 de abril. A continuación encontrarás otras actividades de práctica.

Here are the activities you have to present to finish the 1st Term:
  1. Spell your name: record a video on your cellphone spelling your first name, last name, and telephone number. 
  2. YOUR ID CARD: Fill in the form here with your personal information the teacher gave you in class.  
  3. PRACTICE CLASSROOM LANGUAGE: Click here to check your previous knowledge about instructions into the classroom, then, send pictures of your results. 
  4. TEST INDEFINITE ARTICLES: Click here to practice the use of indefinite articles (a - an - some). Then, send pictures of your results. 
  5. PRACTICE ON CLASSROOM OBJECTS:  Click on the link to work on the activities. 
  6. WRITE A ROUTINE DESCRIPTION: read and listen to the explanation of the topic. Then, write a daily routine for you and a relative. WRITE A PARAGRAPH HERE

Recuerda que podrás ver tus calificaciones ingresando a la plataforma

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